Bernard Moulton

Bernard Moulton

Coach Bernie

1km row in 3:22

Completed 100 cal bike under 6 mins for 7 days straight

Completed a half marathon row in 1:32:47


Crossfit level 1 certification, NVQ level 3 personal trainer

About Coach

As a child, I loved being active, riding my bike, playing rugby, and doing outdoor activities like canoeing and rock climbing. But through my teens, I lost my love for being active, partly because I was overweight and did not have a lot of confidence or motivation. When I reached my mid-twenties my fiancé (now wife) got me into exercise, and after having a lot of success and being asked by lots of people how I lost so much weight, I decided to go back to college and learn how to help people achieve their health goals.

Turning Point

For a lot of my younger life, I was quite overweight and not very confident, i struggled with my weight and confidence in myself and my abilities, i hit my mid 20's and started to improve my health and well-being, but it was my late twenties and decided not to let anything hold me back and to go for it, and this was all thanks to finding CrossFit and enjoying everything about it so much.

Motivation & Passion

I love to help people to achieve their goals, be they fitness or health motivated.

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